
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BBQ Pork Burgers

I opened the freezer yesterday looking for something to make for dinner and realized that we have an overabundance of ground pork!  Ground pork always seems to be marked down at our local grocery store so we often pick up a pack or two, which is great, however we don't use it often because I really don't know what to do with it!  We've used it in chili, we've made meatballs, but other than that I've been at a loss.

I did some internet searching yesterday and found a Barbecue Pork Burger recipe from Martha Stewart that I was interested in trying.  I had some potatoes to use up for a potato salad and some cole slaw mix to use as well so a cookout type meal sounded perfect.  I was a little bit anxious about using pork in a burger though... I knew it wouldn't taste like the real thing (beef burgers) and didn't really know if we would like it or not but with so much pork to play around with I figured it was worth a try.

We were not disappointed!  In fact, I will add this recipe to my rotation and make it again, even if I have ground beef in the house!  These were so flavorful, moist, and delicious.  We served them on wheat bread.  I covered mine with cole slaw and my husband covered his in barbecue sauce.  We had potato salad and cole slaw on the side.  It was a quick, easy, yummy dinner, and perfect for warm weather!

I used the George Foreman grill because I am totally not brave enough to use a real grill.  That is definitely my husband's job!  But you could cook yours either way.

You can view the original recipe here.
Here's what I did...

  • 1 1/2 pounds ground pork (I think mine was just a little over a pound but close enough)
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • 1/4 cup barbecue sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper

  • Heat George Foreman Grill (I sprayed it with cooking spray first)
  • Gently mix all ingredients in a bowl to combine (Martha suggests you don't overwork meat or it will make the burgers too dense) (I used my hands)
  • Form meat into 4 equal sized patties, 4 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick
  • Grill for a few minutes on each side until cooked through (my meat thermometer says pork needs to be 160 degrees for medium and 170 degrees for well done)
  • Serve 'em up as you like!  

Let me know what you think!

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