
Monday, February 10, 2014

3 Ingredient Cereal Bars (with Kashi)

I am on a constant quest for good granola bar recipes.  I am a lunch packing fanatic... in other words, I hugely obsess over the lunches I pack for my husband and our daughter.  There always needs to be a snack-y thing and I prefer it be a granola bar type item but when I don't have any purchased or made, I tend to add cookies because I want there to be something homemade.  Of course cookies are yummy, but I'd rather pack something healthier and save those for a special treat later.  Anyway, today on my granola bar quest, I came across a super easy cereal bar recipe and whipped these guys up in no time at all!  They will do the trick and are certainly healthier (and even easier) than the cookies I packed all last week.

I will be snacking on these while I continue my hearty, healthy granola bar search.  Do you have a favorite granola bar recipe?  Please share!

Here's the recipe.  I originally found it on Healthy Food For Living.

  • 3 cups dry cereal (I used 3 Kashi cups ~ 2 Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat and 1 Go Lean)
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey (I used almost 1/2 cup and topped it off with maple syrup when I ran out)
  • Line 8x8 square pan with parchment paper
  • Combine peanut butter and honey in a saucepan and heat on medium until it just starts to simmer, stirring constantly (about 2-3 minutes)
  • Remove from heat and stir until well combined
  • Add cereal and stir until evenly coated
  • Pour mixture into pan, cover with parchment and press firmly
  • Let sit for 1 hour
  • Use sharp knife to cut into bars or squares

Enjoy!  (and please please please tell me your favorite granola bar recipe because I am in great need!)

Visit here to see how you can get some FREE Kashi cereal with your coupons this week!

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