
Friday, April 4, 2014

Meet The Happy's!

I received free products in order to host the Cepia, LLC sponsored MommyParty.  
The opinions expressed here are my own.

Have you had the chance to meet The Happy's yet?  Let me introduce you!

The Happy's are the latest, greatest, interactive, and totally cute, cuddly, and realistic little pets (I mean, toys) from Cepia, LLC, the same company that brought us ZhuZhu Pets.  They just hit store shelves last week, and Cepia, LLC and MomSelect were kind enough to send us some to get to know and share with our friends.

These little critters are battery operated and run around your house (bare floors or carpet) exploring.  You can teach them tricks with the use of their battery operated treats.  They play ball, chase, pounce, wiggle, and make the cutest little sounds along the way!

I am a grownup and will say that these are so much fun!  But what really matters is what my daughter thinks since these are actually meant for little ones... She says, while cuddling with her little close-to-real-life buddy, "I like when Chance comes to me, and comes to get the bone!"

Stay tuned for more details about The Happy's and the fun we are having with them over the next several weeks!  We'll be posting pics on instagram, twitter, facebook, and pinterest.  Follow the hashtag #thehappys so you won't miss a thing.  Also, while you're there, I bet you'll find some giveaways that you can enter to win your own!

You can find The Happy's at Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, and Justice.

I received free products in order to host the Cepia, LLC sponsored MommyParty.  
The opinions expressed here are my own.

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