
Monday, May 26, 2014

Pure & Essential Minerals ~ Organic Morocco Argan Oil Hair Treatment Mask

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 
I received free product to facilitate this review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Lately I've been getting really annoyed with my hair.  I guess I would describe it as chronically unruly!  I do get compliments on it, but I feel like it's out of control and really complicated for me to manage.  I'll admit that I don't take good care of it and even rarely get it cut because I'm way more focused on taking care of the rest of my family rather than myself!

I have thick wavy-to-curly hair and have basically three options for managing it:
  • dry and straighten it
  • add gel and scrunch it
  • pull it back and hide it

The most annoying thing to me is that regardless of the option I choose, I still have fly-away hair on the top of my head that scrunches up and looks frizzy and awful.  I know I'm probably way more self conscious about it than I need to be and I'm sure I notice it way more than anyone else does, but it still bothers me!  I have various products stashed away in the bathroom closet that I'll slap on my hair to try to tame it better but there hasn't really been anything that I love so when I was asked by Pure & Essential Minerals to review their Organic Morocco Argan Oil Hair Treatment Mask, I was excited!  Any opportunity to tame my hair sounds like a great opportunity to me and any product that actually does tame my hair, is a great product to me!

The Organic Morocco Argan Oil Hair Treatment Mask comes in a small round tub with a twist top.  After shampooing my hair in the shower, I scooped out a generous portion of the product and worked it through my hair, from roots to edges, and let it sit for about five minutes.  I used it in place of my typical conditioner.  I then rinsed my hair thoroughly, got out of the shower, and brushed my hair as usual.  I was rushed so decided to go the "add gel and scrunch it" route and then went about my day, waiting for my hair to air dry so I could see the results.  I was pleasantly surprised!  After only that one use, I had minimal yucky fly-aways on the top of my head!  My hair felt significantly softer than usual, even with gel in it, but it was not greasy at all!  One use, folks!  Know what this means?  I love this product!  Today I plan to try it and use the "dry and straighten it" route to see if the results are as good.  I have no doubt that they will be because I typically have more fly-aways when I don't dry and straighten.

I am so excited to have found a product that takes care of my main hair issues, after only one use!

The only downside with this product, in my opinion, is the size.  If my hair were finer or shorter it wouldn't be such a big deal, but my hair is thick and medium to long in length and I felt like I needed to use a lot to really work it in there.  I don't expect that this little tub will last long.  I'll be sad to see it go!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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