
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Creamy Tangy Homemade Coleslaw

First of all, it's really hard to get a good picture of coleslaw.  Thankfully looking good and tasting good are two different things.

Regardless of looks, I've come to the conclusion that everyone needs a good homemade coleslaw recipe.  Before I married, I couldn't have cared any less about coleslaw.  I sort of thought it was a garnish.  You know like the dry clump of coleslaw that is served next to your main entree in many restaurants?  There was no need for a coleslaw recipe then. But, as I've said time and time again, my world expanded when I married my husband.  He can't eat a hot dog without coleslaw.  Or sloppy joes without coleslaw, or barbecue anything without coleslaw.  He can't have a cookout without coleslaw.  Period.

So, after we got married, I quickly learned which local grocery store carried the best coleslaw.  It has to be chopped to just the right size, have the perfect creaminess, and have just the right amount of tang.  We usually just buy a little tub, store made, when we have a cookout.  Periodically I've gotten bags of dry cole slaw and mixed my own dressing for it.

Well, this weekend, I ran into a problem.  I went to the store and they had a kind of pre-made coleslaw that would never fly around here and they were completely out of bagged slaw mix!  We had a cookout planned for that afternoon and I was basically up a creek without a paddle.  I looked at the woman at the customer service desk and said, "Okay.  I'll just buy a head of cabbage instead."   She looked at me like my head was made of cabbage because people around here don't eat coleslaw, never mind make homemade cole slaw.

I brought my head of cabbage home, pulled out the food processor and fixed up this creamy, tangy, deliciousness.  You could totally do this without a food processor, just cutting by hand.

Love, love, love.  It passed the husband test, so it makes it to the blog!

  • 1/2 head of cabbage
  • 8 baby carrots
  • 1 cup mayo
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • black pepper to taste

  • Chop cabbage and carrots in food processor and put in a medium bowl
  • Add mayo, vinegar, sugar, and black pepper
  • Stir, stir, stir
  • Refrigerate until ready to serve (preferably at least an hour to let the flavors mix)



  1. Haha, I bet coleslaw is difficult to photograph! The recipe sounds tasty, though. I like a little tang in my coleslaw, too, so the apple cider vinegar sounds like a good addition to my typical mayo dressing.

  2. It is definitely coleslaw time!!!! I love this recipe as it is easy to make. Also, I don't like very much mayo in my slaw, so if I am making it (instead of buying) I can add less. I never had a coleslaw recipe until now, so thank you!!!

  3. Ah - homemade anything is the best. I like a dixie style better chopped bits of everything and a little mayo - and I definitely think the apple cider vinegar really makes the coleslaw!

  4. Thanks for the recipe.. we have some bbq's lined up and this looks good to make and bring!

  5. Thanks for the recipe, I had to chuckle about the part being the garnish on the side at resturaunts, I know exactly what you mean. =) I will have to try this recipe at our next cookout. =)

  6. I have a new found love for coleslaw!! We top our burgers with it and love it!!!! I do have certain slaws I am more favorable of.. like the less creamy ones. There is one that I love but I cannot find a recipe for.. I don't even remember the name of it.

  7. I really love homemade coleslaw it is by far the best. I also appreciate the minimal amount of ingredients. So sorry I did not post this earlier today.
