
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snow Cream

I've spent a fair amount of time today on the couch, staying warm by the fire, browsing my Facebook newsfeed... in my opinion, a great way to ride out the Blizzard of 2015! I've seen numerous friends share recipes for snow cream today. Snow cream, you ask? Yes, SNOW cream... as in ice cream... except made out of snow! I (a little bit) thought this was kind of crazy. Although I have a four year old who eats snow like it's going out of style so this is right up our alley.

Given that we are huge ice cream fans but didn't stock up before the storm given the potential of power outages melting our frozen goods, snow cream is perfect for us! Despite the lack of ice cream in the freezer, we have a seemingly unending supply of snow! We're working our way up to 3 feet of snow today (as of 3:00 this afternoon we were at 27 inches!)

So here you have it, friends... the recipe for snow cream...

Mix it all together and enjoy! The result is a very tasty and super fun, memory-making winter treat that you (and especially your kiddos) will love!

We served our snow cream immediately and froze what was leftover. When I took it out later on and crushed it up, it was just as delicious if not more so!

Let me know if you try it!

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