
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fertility, Prenatal, and Lactation Solutions from Premama!

I am a Premama Ambassador and was provided with free product to facilitate this review. 
All opinions expressed are my own.

Premama Complete Maternity Wellness

Several years ago I was introduced to Premama - a fantastic alternative to typical prenatal vitamins. You know those huge horse pills that you have to take to make sure you get all the nutrients you need to help your baby grow, like folic acid? These gigantic things?

No more! Premama is a vitamin-filled, natural powder supplement that you can mix into your favorite cold, non carbonated beverage or soft food. It comes in both tasty and tasteless varieties and it eliminates the need for swallowing pills. Premama was born from the idea that daily essential prenatal vitamins could, and should, be easier to take and easier on the stomach.

Ever since being introduced to Premama I've been an avid supporter of the company and their vision. I believe in what they do wholeheartedly... and I haven't even been pregnant for the past five years! I mean think about it:
  • No pills
  • Individual packets of powder that easily mix with your favorite drink
  • Increased hydration (because you're most likely mixing it with liquid)
  • Decreased constipation, heartburn, and nausea
  • All the necessary nutrients to take care of Mom and Baby

Now, listen to this... If you think all I just told you is great, get ready for even more exciting news! Besides being a prenatal vitamin solution, Premama now offers solutions for the mom who is trying to conceive and the mom who is trying to feed!

I've been a fan of Premama Essentials - the prenatal vitamin part of the Premama line - for years. Several weeks ago, before learning about the Premama additions of Fertility and Lactation, I was having a conversation with someone about how moms are always doing internet searches for things like "What can I eat to help me get pregnant?" or "How to increase milk production." Trust me, I've been there! Due to some complications with both my ability to breastfeed and my daughter's desire to not be nuzzled into my chest, I fed my daughter pumped breast milk for a long time. I spent hour after hour pumping and looking for ways to successfully increase my milk production. If only there was something I could just hop on Amazon or run over to CVS to purchase as an answer to my desperate questions! Thankfully, now there is...

I've had the chance to try the new Premama line and I couldn't be more excited to share all the details with you here.

Ready? Here we go!

Premama Fertility: Reproductive Support Supplement
  • Provides natural reproductive support
  • Formulated with Myo-Inositol, which is clinically shown to help improve ovulatory function and egg quality.
  • Includes Folic Acid to support prenatal health
  • Gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan
  • Zero taste
I am even more impressed with this product than I expected to be! First of all, the actual fact that this product exists excites me (as I know it does many of you). But good ideas don't always equal good quality products. In this case, they absolutely do! I'll be honest, when I saw that this was supposedly taste-free, I was skeptical. I've always been a fan of mixing Premama with things like juice, lemonade, or fruit punch, but I figured I better mix Premama Fertility with water alone to really test it out. Let me tell you something... it's totally tasteless! It mixes up quickly and easily, completely dissolves, and all you taste is the water you're drinking. I've read a bit about the benefits of Myo-Inositol and it's success in regulating ovulation and improving egg quality, ultimately (hopefully!) increasing the chance of a healthy and successful pregnancy. If you're looking for something to try to get your body on track and ready for conception, give Premama Fertility a try!

Premama Essentials + DHA: Prenantal Vitamin Drink Mix
(there is also an unflavored version of Essentials, without the extra DHA)
  • A complete prenatal vitamin with the added benefits of vegetarian DHA.
  • Formulated with over 165 mg of fatty aides, including Life'sDHA and ALA to support baby's brain and eye development.
  • Includes Choline to further help reduce the risk of neural tube defects
  • Gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegetarian
  • Natural citrus flavor
Premama Essentials and Essentials + DHA provides the nutrients you are looking for in a prenatal vitamin - minus the horse pill. This is where Premama began and how I first got to know the brand. One drink daily is all you need and for me, I prefer it to taking a big pill because it's easier to swallow and forces me to hydrate, something I'm notorious for forgetting to do! Essentials + DHA has a citrus flavor, almost like a fancied up lemonade, and I find the consistency to be similar to a powdered drink mix. It takes a little more effort to dissolve but with some steady stirring and shaking, you should be good to go. It's tasty, but I personally prefer to mix it into an already flavored beverage like juice or fruit punch.

Premama Lactation: Lactation Support Drink Mix
  • Provides natural lactation support.
  • Formulated with Fennel Seed, Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle to help boost milk production.
  • Includes Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Calcium for added breast milk nutrition.
  • Gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegetarian.
  • Natural berry flavor.
As if recovering from childbirth wasn't enough, feeding my daughter was really a stressor for me in my early mommy days. I had every intention of breast feeding but it just wasn't in the cards for us, so I turned to the breast pump and spent hours and hours and hours every day staring at drops of milk falling into bottles. Although I found that once I grieved the loss of breastfeeding and embraced my new pumping life my stress level decreased and my milk production increased, it still wasn't where I wanted it to be. That's when I tried eating oatmeal, drinking special teas, and trying whatever natural solutions I could find for supporting lactation. Needless to say, I could not be more excited about the new Lactation addition to the Premama line! All you nursing moms now have an easy to drink supplement that does what you've been searching for! Now, I'm not currently lactating so I can't speak to the effectiveness of this product in terms of lactation, but I can tell you that it dissolves easily, has a refreshing berry taste, and yet again, it encourages increased hydration while pumping you full (no pun intended!) of the nutrients that support milk production!

These are pretty great additions to the Premama line, right?!

I think it's clear that Premama has truly come up with some effective, convenient, natural, high quality, and tasty options for moms. Regardless of the current stage of your baby-making journey - trying to conceive, maintaining healthy pregnancy, or producing milk - there is a solution for you!

But don't just take my word for it - give Premama a try for yourself! You can find it in your local CVS or order it online on Amazon. You can print a coupon from the Premama website and even order free samples there to try it yourself!

I can't wait to hear what you think!

Visit Premama online on their website

Premama products contain clinically-studied, patented ingredients normally found in prescription prenatal vitamins. You should discuss the use of all medications, vitamins and supplements with your healthcare provider.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Earlier, Easier, and More Accurate Pregnancy Results from First Response!

I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. All opinions expressed are my own.

My daughter was born in 2010, which was quite some time ago. Regardless of the amount of time that has passed and memory lapses that come along with being a busy mom, the journeys of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth are ones I'll never forget!

July 2010 - just a couple short days
before my daughter was born!
I'll certainly never forget the moment I found out that I was pregnant - but I'll also never forget that grueling and infamous "two-week-wait" - formally termed the TWW on all the online TTC boards (that stands for "trying-to-conceive" for any of you that haven't visited those online forums!). You know that time I mean, right? That time between what you hope was conception and the time when you can actually confirm it. It's brutal. You have very few people, if any at all, to talk to about your secret, and you are super aware of any and every twitch in your body. You google everything with the words "symptom" or "pregnancy" attached to them and regardless of what you search for, you find one website that tells you that you're pregnant and another that tells you that you're not. I've come to conclude that no matter what you think or want the answer to be when you do an online search, you will find it during your two-week-wait. It's the only thing that gets you through the two weeks and yet it's the most frustrating, draining, and ridiculously inaccurate way to determine if you're pregnant.

If you've tried to conceive, I guarantee you've googled, "When can I take a pregnancy test?" Right? Of course! And you've come up with various answers for that too. We all have. You want to test as early as you can because you've been waiting for what feels like a lifetime, and yet, you dread the early test because you are so sure it will be negative. And honestly, if we all tested as soon as we wanted to, our tests would be negative whether we had experienced a successful conception or not.

PICJOY ~ Photo Organizing App is FREE for a Limited Time! We're Celebrating with a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions expressed are my own.

Are you one of those people who stores a ton of photos on your mobile phone and then scrolls through all of them to find that one favorite memory? All of sudden you remember something you took a picture of that you can can't wait to show someone... except now you can't find it. No more, my friends, no more! It's time to organize those photos!

Picjoy is an intelligent photo library that automatically organizes all of your precious photos and helps you locate them instantly. Can you imagine? Here's how it works:

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Disney Store at the Burlington Mall is OPEN!

We are pleased to partner with Walt Disney Studios to provide coverage and promotion of this event.
We were provided with gifts to thank us for our participation, but all opinions expressed are our own.

We were so excited to attend the Grand Opening Celebration for the Disney Store at the Burlington Mall in Burlington, Massachusetts this past weekend!

It was full of magic and pixie dust... would anyone expect different? The store was set to open at 10:00 AM and we arrived shortly before 9:00 AM to a crowd full of excitement! There was music, friendly cast members, stickers, Mickey ears, games, tons of anticipation, and a line that was growing by the minute.