
Friday, June 19, 2015

PICJOY ~ Photo Organizing App is FREE for a Limited Time! We're Celebrating with a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions expressed are my own.

Are you one of those people who stores a ton of photos on your mobile phone and then scrolls through all of them to find that one favorite memory? All of sudden you remember something you took a picture of that you can can't wait to show someone... except now you can't find it. No more, my friends, no more! It's time to organize those photos!

Picjoy is an intelligent photo library that automatically organizes all of your precious photos and helps you locate them instantly. Can you imagine? Here's how it works:

Record the details and stories behind each of your photos.

Watch Picjoy instantly organize your photos for you - no matter where they are stored!

◆ FIND ◆ 
Search by category or keyword to retrieve any photo you've ever taken right from your mobile phone.

I'm sort of out of control when it comes to taking tons of photos with my mobile phone... but the organization of my photos doesn't have to be as out of control as I am. With some quick processing on the part of picjoy, I'm able to easily find photos of my child, photos intended for my blog, and all the random photos of items on store shelves for which I want to remember to find coupons - without the hassle of scrolling through every single photo in my camera roll. If you're looking for a way to keep better track of your photos, give Picjoy a try!

PICJOY is available now on iTunes FREE for a limited time! 
Picjoy photo app will also be available for the Android market on Google Play soon so be looking for it!

$5 if you show me from PicJoy on Vimeo.

And NOW for the GIVEAWAY!!!

Picjoy is thrilled to finally be able to share their app with the world! In celebration we will be giving away a few gift cards sponsored by Picjoy and hosted by the Mom Buzz Media Bloggers!

4 Winners each get a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Giveaway ends 6/30 at 11:59pm CST. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond. If no response is received, then a new winner will be chosen. All winning entries will be verified. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. US Residents only please. 

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